Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Importance of Setting Goals (10/31/17)

Importance Of Setting Goals
     Imagine archer with bow and arrows but has no target or mark to use that bow. This can be anyone who does not create goals. Goals are essential for creating a passion for yourself in your life. Without setting goals, you would be lost without no motivation in mind. You'll be a sitting duck stuck in the same place. 
     All of the most successful companies are part of an elite set called "The Fortune 500". Note that the Fortune 500 is a list of the top 500 companies in the world. In other words "The best of the best". All of these companies started with little to staff members. Do you know what they all had in common? They all created their own goals to accomplish. That's why Bill Gates became one of the wealthiest man in the world with his company, Microsoft.

Friday, October 27, 2017

John-Hopkins School Of Nursing

John-Hopkins School Of Nursing


Take a ten week online course(one of these) to adjusted to John-Hopkins atmosphere:  

  • Biostatistics
  • Human Growth and Development Through the Lifespan
  • Nutrition
  • Microbiology with virtual lab*
  • Anatomy with virtual lab*
  • Physiology with virtual lab*
  • Chemistry with virtual labs

Monday, October 23, 2017

Free Lance- Student Lead Conference(10/23/17)

Student Lead Conference 
     On October 19, 2017, my school had student conference for our grade check each midterm. At that day, I went with my mom and my sister since my sister also needed to go to her conference. 
When we arrived, I was surprised how few people their were who showed up for the conferences. Usually, these conferences are filled students but this time, it was different. 
      We first went to my sister's conference since her classroom was the closest. I got bored so I left to see if any of my friends were here but I wasn't too sure if they were.
      After some times, I finally found one of my friends. I turns out he went to his conference a while ago but he had two sisters so he was stuck here. We laughed and I stayed with him for the time being.


Friday, October 13, 2017

Six Rules to Make People Like You (10/13/17)

Six Rules to Make People Like You

Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
- Being open to new people gives you a lot of opportunities to become acquainted with them. Maybe even becoming friends with them. This makes people aware that you are okay with getting to know them whether its their culture or hobbies. Being interested in them makes them more interested in you, eventually becoming a friend or at least an acquaintance.  

“Be genuinely interested in everyone you meet and everyone you meet will be genuinely interested in you” -Rasheed Ogunlaru

Rule 2: Smile

Rule 3: Remember names

-To remember names shows how much you care. People called by  their names makes them think about how much you care. Making friends always start with know people's names. If you don't, how will you be able to communicate with them effectively? That is why knowing the names is an important first step to making friends.

Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

-Real friends are the ones who listen to you. If you want to make friends, you have to learn how to listen. Otherwise, people will fell not cared for and that wouldn't be good for making friends or at least like you. You wouldn't want a friend to not hear you out at your time of need, as so to other people. This rule is fundamental and important if you are looking for friends. 

Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest.

- People usually only listen to the things they want to listen the most. Making people like you will require you to dive in conversations that others are interested in. Most of the time, people won't be as interested to your topics as they are to theirs. Talking about what they are interested in also makes them believe that you care about their interests creating trust in the process. This is a very effective way to make new friends. 

Rule 6: Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely.

- This final rule is a combination of all the other rules. To make someone feel important requires you to talk in their interest, be a good listener, remember their name, and last but not least, smile. If these are not applied, the final result may not be in your interest. Making someone feel important is the final step in making a new friend.

Final Reflection:
        In conclusion, these rules will be the keys that will allow people to like you, or better yet become your friends. Not all of these rules will be easy to follow but the results will always work to your favor. These rules really gave me a new mind set into making friends. The only problems with these rules is that there are only six rules rather than more rules. The other problem is everyone is different and have different interests. It will be difficult to please particular interests of a person especially if you have no desire to be interested. Overall, these rules are a starting guide in making friends and prove to be worth the effort.

Class Evaluation (6/05/18)

Class Evaluation 1.) Somethings that I liked about this class is learning the basic in making an online website. HTML and CSS are fundal...