Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Senior Year So Far (8/23/17)

Senior Year 
        This year, I am a senior of HPIAM. I've heard senior year was going to be a bit tough because some of my friends that were senior stressed about enrolling themselves into college, graduating, and the senior defense. So far, I think senior year is going to be a breeze. I think my friends were just over-reacting. Well, I don't my thoughts on senior year will change but right now it seems simple. Just like any other school year. I only hope to make it the best year.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The 9 Ways (8/17/17)

     The Nine Ways to BE Happy and Make Something of                                           Your Life
1. Be Grateful...

2. Be Smart...

        Being smart can be interpreted as being wise and educated. Knowing from right from wrong and knowing what to do at the right time. Being smart also gives you many opportunities which helps you become a more informed person. This knowledge helps you understand better about the world around us making our sight of the world more clear. Our decisions will be easier to make if we know what to do. With  knowledge, we can spread it to many other people also helping them in the process. If they know right from wrong too, then their decisions will be easier to make too

"The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge."   -Bertrand Russell

3. Be Involved...

           To be involved is to associate yourself with new opportunities. It allows you to get a new experience and makes you adjust to a new environment. Being involved can be volunteering in a local school or participating in community events. This will benefit the people you volunteer for and yourself. You don't only get rewarded physically but also spiritually. Getting yourself involved may be tough because it could be a lot of work. Volunteering at a school could take a toll on you but it will be worth it at the end. The experience is not to be missed.

4. Be Clean...

        Being clean is a lot more than just taking a shower or washing your hands. Being clean is also having good morals and a clear way of living. This let's us as human being stay true to ourselves and be good to others. Being clean physically is important but being morally clean is much more important. Somebody can look clean on the outside but on the inside truly shows who they are. Being clean on the inside counts more than the out. To achieve this cleanliness, you need improve yourself. It may take a while but I assure that it will be worth it.

"Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world."-George Bernard Shaw

5. Be True...

         Being true is what can set you apart from many other people. In today's world, lies can get into the best of places and can earn you a lot of money and positions in the work place. The problem with lies is that they keep you trapped in them. It will be very difficult to abandon lies. Worst of all, lies will always spread. If you tell a lie, it will always lead to another. Many people are trapped unless they decide to start tell the truth. Instead of being trapped, you will become free tell the truth in your every day life. This opens many doors as well than just setting you free. When you tell the truth, you won't have any burdens because you have nothing to hide. Best of all.

6. Be Positive...

7. Be Humble...

          Being humble is what set a lot of people apart from each other. Humble is being modest towards others. It's also not looking down on other people. This attitude is the exact opposite of being conceited and self-lead. When your humble, there is little to no pride in you which let's you open to other people. This attitude allows you to know people you are not familiar with whether it's hobbies, beliefs, and history towards one another. Another example of humbleness is selflessness. This act puts others before you no matter the position. This is what let's you do what's right, not what you think is right.

"Pride is concerned with who is right, Humility is concerned with what is right." - Erza T. Benson

8. Be Still... 

            Being still is usually mistaken with the definition of "not moving a muscle" or "Being silent" but there is a more important meaning to the word. This meaning is being calm and relaxed. Being still means you are calm in a way where you can act and think more accordingly at any situation. Whether it's a bad situation or a good one, we choose to remain still. Stillness is seen as an act that is not very relevant in our daily lives often times but stillness allows you to stay in control whether it's at your home, somebody else's home, or any where else. 

"Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen - that stillness becomes a radiance." Morgan Freeman

9. Be Prayerful...

               Being prayerful let's you open up on a spiritual level. This helps you become more spiritual in a good manner depending who you are. This awaken makes you into a great person you probably you would not have ever imagined, opening you up to different opportunities.


My Summer Activities of 2017 (8/17/17)

My Summer Activities of 2017
      During the summer, I have done many exciting things whether it was traveling to place or spending time with my family. 
        One thing I've done during the summer is going to the beach with my cousins. I went surfing with them, swimming on the beach and we ate at a delicious bagel breakfast club too. I had a great time when we went. 
        Another activity I've done over the summer is going to multiple parties for my relatives. I went to a baby shower for my uncle's baby and also went to a birthday party for one of my cousins. I also had fun in those parties.

Class Evaluation (6/05/18)

Class Evaluation 1.) Somethings that I liked about this class is learning the basic in making an online website. HTML and CSS are fundal...